Saturday, July 18, 2009


Some girl who is friends with my neighbor, an eighteen-year-old boy named Alex, calls me up the other day out of the blue. I guess Alex gave her our number because we are "nice" and give him lots of $$ to water our plants when we are away.

Girl: I'm friends with Alex. I'm doing a marketing project for college credit. All I have to do is show you a product, and then you tell me what you think of the product and how you viewed my presentation. I have to work on perfecting my presentation skills and get feedback and write about it for class.

Me: Umm, ok. I guess I can do that. (I'm all for furthering education and helping with school projects. I care about people!)

Girl: Great, I'll be there on Saturday at noon.

Saturday rolls around and the girl shows up with a crapload of knives. Knives. Sharp ones, and scissors that can cut through pennies and stuff. I know this because she tried to get my husband to cut through a penny. We made it about halfway through the penny before losing strength, but now I know what it looks like on the inside - silvery.

Me: So where do you go to college?

Girl: Delaware

Me: And this presentation is for a marketing class?

Girl: It can be. It's a job I can put toward college credit.

Me: I see. So you aren't actually in a class right now, you are working for a knife company?

Girl: Yes. Take a look at these shears. These things could cut through a frozen pizza! And try cutting through this rope with this knife.

Yes: The girl was that person on the 3:00am infomercials trying to sell me aluminum foil that can cook a whole chicken in the microwave in 20 minutes.

So we sit there patiently, and calmly, as this girl tries to sell us a $1000 knife set. I tell her that I can barely make a sandwich, and we don't even use the knives we have, so I doubt we'd be the best customers.

Finally she gets the hint and leaves.

However, I do think she has a career in marketing - to dupe me into believing she was coming over to present a product for a college class was pretty awesome!

I'm still pretty angry - I missed a call from a friend while she was here, and I could've been out drinking margaritas with him. Arg.

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