Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Putting binders together - how tough could it be?

In my office, we have three administrative assistants (AAs) for eight analysts, including two high level officials. You may ask why we need three people to do something one person should be able to do. This is just impossible. The three AAs combined only make up one complete person.

I usually do all my administrative work myself, as I can usually make the time to do this, and I feel bad wasting the time of the AAs when they could be doing work for the higher level people. But sometimes I really need their help because I'm swamped. Like today.

The AAs actually don't do all that much work. One of them comes in each morning and dumps about 100 coupons all over her desk. She spends much of the day going through the coupons and arranging them. She's usually pretty good, when she's there, so I don't mind the coupons much. I don't bother her with things like binders, because I use her for the more thought-intensive tasks, like printing out letters and memos on letterhead, and fixing copy machine jams. (Again, I can do this stuff, but usually I am in such a hurry, I just can't.)

AA #2 is very young, and doesn't understand much of anything. I send her messages saying, "Can you go to this meeting with me? I need your assistance with XYZ." And she writes back, "Can I go to the meeting with you?" Ummmm ok. I wouldn't have asked in the first place if I didn't want you to come. This has happened at least six times, so I've just stopped asking.

AA #3 comes in everyday and spends a great deal of time doing online crossword puzzles and raising money for breast cancer research. Again, I'm ok with both of these activities, provided she does her work. Lately, this has been a problem.

First, last week, a man from the Netherlands' Foreign Ministry came to visit us. I asked AA#3 FOUR separate times to put this meeting on the boss' schedule. Four times. It did not end up on the schedule. And the Netherlands guy shows up, and the boss was off getting dry cleaning and coffee or something.

Then today, I ask the same AA to put together two binders for our boss (containing two sets of different information). I sent her the email at about 8:15am. It would've taken me about fifteen minutes to do this, so I thought it would be a simple task. Besides, it's her job, and I don't have time for it.

Noon: Binders still not done. I ask why. AA#3 responds, "Because you didn't send me all the papers for it."
I respond, "Yes, I did, you just haven't scrolled down all the way on the email." I show her how to scroll down in Outlook and find the papers. She understands, I think.

3:00pm: AA#3 asks me, "Can you take a look at the binders and see if they are ok?" I look at the binders. She has put together one of the binders twice. TWICE. I tell her she forgot to do the second binder. She doesn't understand. I sit there at her desk and print out everything for her, and show her where it goes. At this point, I'm late for a meeting with the Secretary's office. Because I have to show someone how to print out stuff and put it in a binder.

5:00pm: The binders are finally finished. Nine hours later.

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